As we bring each year to a close, it is important to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and learned, and to create intentions for what we want to be/do/have in the coming cycle with a new year reflection.

This is not about creating “resolutions,” as those can often set us up for failure and feeling bad about ourselves. The resolutions people make are usually about fixing themselves and their lives, based on “there is something wrong here” or even worse, “there is something wrong with me.” We are dynamic, resourceful beings that are traveling paths that bring wisdom crucial for our ongoing development as humans and titans in our own corners of the world. Shoulding on ourselves has no place here.

Looking Back, Looking Forward is about clarity, choice, commitment, creation, and celebration. It is important to set yourself up to win by…

  1. Reflecting on and celebrating all we did/didn’t accomplish and learn,
  2. Creating closure with gratitude for the ending year, and
  3. Designing a living, breathing plan you will continually iterate throughout the coming year.

So, let’s get started. You can do this on your own, or may consider working with someone close to you for part or all of this exercise to capture things you may be forgetting and to brainstorm out-of-the-box ideas. Whether flying solo or with another, find a quiet spot to write or type without interruptions. This may be in your home, a peaceful location where you feel calm and centered, or even a coffee shop.

Breathe, relax, and reflect without judgment.

Download your free reflection worksheet by clicking on the link below.

Yours in partnership,
